Saturday, March 21, 2015

Healthy Smoothie

Finding a good healthy smoothie recipe is hard because there's so many things you can put in a smoothie!! It's gotten way easy for me though because, since I'm on such a restrictive diet, I can only eat a few things so a few days ago, I just put all the things I can have together in a blender, and I think it turned out pretty good! So here's my current smoothie recipe:

First, get all your ingredients together:

Ok so I can't have honey, agave, costcos yummy chocolate protein powder, regular milk or a lot of fruit because of my diet (those are all things I would normally use in a smoothie). What I CAN have is almond milk, rice protein powder, lemon juice, stevia, chia seeds, and a little bit of fruit. So here's the recipe:

- 1/2 cup fruit (I'm only allowed half a cup every 3 hours.. but I would add more if I could!)
- about a cup of almond milk 
- A few tablespoons of chia seeds
- a teaspoon of lemon juice (I love a little lemon in everything)
- Stevia to taste (this is a healthy natural sweetener that you can read about here)
- and a tablespoon of rice protein powder

Next, try not to break a cup like I just did. sorry mom!

Blend all the ingredients in your blender and add a few more drops of stevia if it needs a little more. (It's better to add a little first and then taste the smoothie when it's done and add a little more, don't add too much, a few drops goes a long way!)

And this is what it looks like when it's all blended together! I actually don't usually like smoothies because the ones I've had growing up were full of sugar, milk, too much fruit, etc. and they were too thick or made me feel sick because of the sugar, but this smoothie is perfect because it's more like a protein drink and fills me up when I need a snack and I think it tastes pretty good too!

When you're done making your smoothie, make sure you rinse out your blender right away and then blend some water and a drop of soap for a few seconds to clean it.. I used to just put it in the sink and then my dad would make me clean it later and smoothies are hard to clean out if they sit there for a while so just take another minute and get it done really quick!

Thanks for reading! This smoothie is candida and gut-reset diet friendly and gluten-free so it's as healthy as they get!

What's your favorite healthy smoothie recipe? 

-- Sarah Laurel 


  1. My favorite thing about that smoothie is that it's such a pretty color. Even though the ingredients aren't very sweet, it looks SO much tastier than the gross greenish-grey smoothies I usually end up with.

    1. Haha Yeah I'm not a huge fan of green smoothies.. dad has made me some spinach and kale smoothies before and I didn't like them.. I'll have to share some of his good smoothie recipes on here though cuz his protein shakes are the BEST!! I can't wait till I can have them again!

  2. 1/2 banana, Greek yogurt, frozen peach mango strawberry mix, kale or spinach, almonds. Mmmmmm. -Holly

  3. 1/2 banana, Greek yogurt, frozen peach mango strawberry mix, kale or spinach, almonds. Mmmmmm. -Holly
