Thursday, June 18, 2015


I am SO happy to be able to say that I HAD A BLAST IN SAN FRANCISCO!! Meaning: I FELT great!!! California cured me! I was feeling so sick the week and especially the day before we left, but every day we were there, I was feeling so normal and great! 0 anxiety, 0 headaches, 0 stomach problems. I felt so good! And then I get home and the next morning I'm feeling crappy again.. and still 3 days later feeling really really sick.. so weird right? I just don't know.. I don't get it.

But anyways, the trip was sooo much fun!! I'm so happy I went and that I was healthy while we were there!!

Here's some of my favorite photos from the trip

(Carly wrote a great post about our trip here that's really well written and more detailed)

San Francisco is a beautiful city! Very big and crowded and dirty and crazy, but still beautiful

I love this shot of the Golden Gate Bridge

Sisters at Golden Gate Bridge! (with Chase and Jackson in the background haha)

Love these guys SOO much


Jackson saw the carousel and just had to ride it! Which means Ashley and I got to be little kids again and ride with him!! So fun!

This was at this old military bunker thing under the bridge that was really cool but SOOO windy and cold!!

Ending our first day at the beach 

He's so stinking cute

This was at Carmel-By-The-Sea-- super pretty there

I LOVEE this photo.. I took it ;) I just think Ashley's hat and white floral top + Jackson's blue and grey outfit look so perfect!

Jackson with his grandma! 
The coolest brother in law in the world!
My favorite couple. They've grown so much together and teach me so much 

Jackson was literally in heaven at the beach playing in the sand. We were all hanging out and playing in the water while he just played in the sand for hours by himself just having the best time! He's so independent and loves to play :) 

Love my parents <3 

He's so perfect!! 

Love this picture 

Jack Jack and me on the carousel 

Muir forest!!

This was SO adorable. I was walking behind chase and jackson and jackson suddenly turns around, looks at me for a few seconds then runs to me saying "Sarah!!" and runs into my arms and snuggles me for a minute. Such a sweetheart!! I love him so much.

Such a fun trip. We had a blast. We were only there for 3 full days but we made the most of our trip by spending a day in the city doing all the touristy things, then a day in a beautiful forest in complete awe and amazement at California's redwoods and then our last day in Carmel admiring the most beautiful beach/coast we've ever seen. In between our sight seeing, we spent a lot of time hanging out at Amanda and Chase's apartment in San Jose playing games on the wii, and talking, but Mostly... playing with Jackson and watching him be THE CUTEST KID ON THE PLANET. 

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