Friday, March 20, 2015

Heaven is Here

Today I want to talk about the most amazing book I have ever read.

It's called, Heaven is Here by Stephanie Nielson.

This is an amazing true story of an LDS woman who was in a plane crash with her husband, and despite all her physical injuries and daily struggles, has been able to overcome this trial and still have a beautiful life.

Here's what I wrote in my journal while I was reading this book:

"I'm currently reading Stephanie Nielson's book, Heaven is Here, and I just had to write down some of my thoughts I've had while reading this amazing story.

First of all, I feel like I really relate to Stephanie in so many ways, not just being sick and going through a hard time like she did (I know my trial doesn't even compare to hers), but her interests and personality and other things as well.

This is Stephanie before the crash

In the chapter I just read, she's in the hospital some months after the accident and talks about how depressed and hopeless she felt. Not only did she have to endure daily pain from being burned over 80% of her body, but she felt depressed and useless and not sure she wanted to live anymore.

One day she woke up from another surgery and couldn't see. She panicked thinking something went wrong during the procedure and that she was now blind forever, but later found out the doctors had done surgery on the skin around her eyes and she had to have her eyes sewn shut for a week.

She says, 'Being without sight humbled me. I let go of my fear- some of it at least - about my appearance. I'll deal with the changes in how I look, Heavenly Father, but please let me see my children again.' When she gets her sight back, she said, 'it was glorious. I still couldn't move and I couldn't feed myself, and I couldn't walk or stand up- and the list went on- but I could see.'

I agree with Stephanie that trials really humble us. Being sick all the time, all the little things that seemed SO important to me a year ago, suddenly mean nothing to me. I don't care if I have cute clothes anymore, I don't care if I'm popular and have a ton of friends, I don't care about posting the cutest Instagram photos, I don't care about having perfect skin and teeth, etc. all I care about is getting healthy again so I can go to school and work and participate in church and be the best that I can be. All the things I took for granted like going to church, going to school, working, hanging out with friends, going on trips, etc. are things I wish so badly I could do now. I just want to be healthy again." :)

Anyways, Stephanie's book is exactly what I needed when I was going through a really hard month of constant sickness. It made me feel so grateful for the little things and all the tender mercies Heavenly Father blesses me with daily, and it helped me stay strong through my trials. If Stephanie can get through something so hard and rise above it, then I have NO EXCUSES!

This is Stephanie now. Beautiful inside and out!

If you ever want to read an amazing story, read this book.
If you ever want to be more grateful for all the little things you are blessed with daily, read this book.
If you ever want to be inspired to be a better person, read this book.
If you ever want to read a spiritual story of trial and hope, READ THIS BOOK. It's amazing.

Thank you so much for writing your story Stephanie.. It has changed my life. I can't wait to meet you someday <3

My sister Ashley works at Albion in Salt Lake and Stephanie came into her store last week and she wrote me a note!!!! 

What's the most inspirational book/article you've ever read?

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