Thursday, March 26, 2015


I read an article recently that said one of the things really successful people do every day is motivate themselves.

We all know what motivates us, so people who are really successful actually set aside a time in their day to re-motivate themselves so they can be better and have the best day possible.

Ever since I read that, I've been trying to do that more and be more aware of the things that motivate me and make me want to be better. There are a lot of different things that motivate me like inspiring videos, quotes, people, songs, pictures, etc.

So I think as part of my April goals, I'll make a list of a few things that I know always motivate me and set aside a time every morning to get motivated and inspired because I think it's so easy to forget why we're trying to accomplish certain things in our lives. I mean I have told myself a thousand times, "I'm going to do whatever it takes to get 100% healthy as soon as possible!" and yet every time I have a bad day again and I feel sick for no reason, I instantly want to give up and can't remember why I'm even trying. So I think it's really important to motivate myself every day and remind myself why I'm trying so hard and why I don't want to give up.

Anyways, one thing that really motivates me and makes me want to be better is rock climbing pictures!

I LOVE rock climbing. It's seriously my passion. I did a rock climbing camp when I was younger and went to our local Rec center to climb lots of times for years, but I haven't been for a while so I can't really say it's one of my hobbies, but it WILL be someday! I want to get a gym membership to Momentum climbing gym in Sandy so I can go climb there every week and eventually get all my own gear so I can go climbing up the canyons with friends or family whenever I want!! 

Rock climbing pictures really motivate me. I want to be a rock climber SO BAD that whenever I look at rock climbing pictures, or watch videos on youtube, I remember what I'm working towards and why I want to be healthy and strong again! It's so that I can do THAT! 

So anyways, that's one of the many things that really motivates me to be better. The girl in 3 of those pictures is Sasha Digiulian. She's my favorite rock climber to watch on Youtube. She's got some really cool videos and she's basically my rock climbing idol! In these pictures, she looks so strong and powerful. I want to be like that someday. :)

What motivates you?

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